Game Design

The Digital Arts and Interactive Design Department offers a specialized curriculum in Video Game Design/Development that combines art, technology, story development and game design concepts and processes. The Game Design concentration includes courses in User Experience Design, XR/AR/VR/MR for Immersive Interactive Content, 3D asset creation for Games and Game Engines: Unity and Unreal.

DAID-118, Introduction to Video Game Design focuses on planning, developing, and creating content for video games. Students  gain an understanding of the video game industry, and  learn how to design characters, levels, and design documents. In addition the class introduces students to level design, audio, music and sound effects for games and game mechanics.

DAID-119, Video Game Development is a continuation of DAID-118 and focuses on producing video games using 3D software and game engines. By the end of this class students will be able to create a working level, stand-alone video game.

Related Degrees:

Associate in Arts: Game Design and Animation
Video Game Development, Certificate of Achievement
Digital Arts, Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)

Related Courses
ART 104A 2D Design or  ART 104C Color (AA)
DAID 102 History of Games and Play or DAID 104 Visual and Interaction Design (CoA)
DAID 103 Introduction to Digital Media Arts (AA)
DAID 111 Video Production for Streaming and VR or DAID 112 Motion Graphics (AA)
DAID 114 Storyboarding and Concept Development (AA)
DAID 115 2D Animation (AA)
DAID 118 Introduction to Game Design (AA, CoA)
DAID 119 Video Game Development or  DAID 126 Advanced 3D Modeling and Animation (AA, CoA)
DAID 122 3D Modeling (AA)
DAID 125 3D Animation (AA)
DAID 123 Textures for 3D (AA, CoA)
DAID 125 3D Animation (AA, CoA)
DAID 124 Digital Sculpting or  DAID 127 3D Prototyping and 3D Printing (AA, CoA)
DAID 160 Portfolio Development for Artists and Designers (AA)

Below are examples of recent projects created in our DAID-115 2D Animation class.