Animation Essential Skills Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)

Focus: Visual storytelling, storyboarding, concept art, 3D and 2D animation
The noncredit Animation Essential Skills Certificate of Completion is designed to provide students with an overview of tools and techniques used in animated features, video games, film, and television.
More information, major courses and electives can be found here.

Digital Arts Certificate of Completion (Noncredit) 

Focus: Entertainment Art, general
The noncredit Digital Arts Certificate of Completion is intended for students wishing to acquire competencies in digital arts for job advancement and immediate employment. Through lectures and hands-on instructions, students are introduced to a variety of skills and workflows to create videos, websites, animations, video games, and 3D models.
More information, major courses and electives can be found here.

Digital Media Essential Skills Certificate of Completion (Noncredit) 

Focus: Short Term – Overview of Technologies, Social Media
The noncredit Digital Media Essential Skills Certificate of Completion is designed to provide students with an overview of digital media tools and processes used in the industry.
More information, major courses and electives can be found here.

Web and User Interface Design Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)

Focus: UX/UI Design, web, front-end development
The noncredit Web and User Interface Design Certificate of Completion is intended for students wishing to acquire skills in web development and user interface design for job advancement and immediate employment. Through lectures and hands-on instructions, students are introduced to a variety of processes, technologies, and workflows including design thinking, prototyping, mobile and web design, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
More information, major courses and electives can be found here.