
The courses offered in Illustration combine lectures and hands-on studio experience to introduce students to the creative possibilities of digital art and illustration. Students explore illustration as visual interpretation of stories, words, concepts, and ideas while developing drawing, painting and design abilities in a digital environment. Strategies for communicating content through pictorial narrative are also explored.

Related Degree
Graphic and Interactive Design Associate in Arts
Graphic Design Certificate of Achievement

Related Classes
ART 104 2D Design or ART 104C Color (AA)
ART 133A Photo I or ART 138A Photoshop I or ART 139A Beginning Digital Photography (AA, CoA)
DAID 100 History of Graphic Design (AA)
DAID 104 Visual and Interaction Design (AA, CoA)
DAID 105A Introduction to Web Design (AA, CoA)
DAID 107 Building Websites Using WordPress (AA)
DAID 112 Motion Graphics (AA)
DAID 130A Introduction to Graphic Design I – Typography (AA, CoA)
DAID 130B Introduction to Graphic Design II – Principles and Methods (CoA)
DAID 131A Advanced Graphic Design I, Prerequisite DAID 130B (AA)
DAID 132A Digital Design and Graphic Production I or DAID 133A Digital Illustration I (AA, CoA)
DAID 159 Introduction to Social Media (AA)