2D Animation

In our 2D animation classes, students are introduced to the techniques and principles of 2D animation and professional production processes. Strong emphasis is placed on understanding the fundamentals and physics of animation including mass and weight; timing; movement; and character and story development.

2D Animators work in a variety of areas that include film, TV, websites, video games and advertising agencies.

Related Degrees
Associate in Arts, Game Design and Animation
Associate in Arts: Digital Arts and Interactive Design, Option 2: Video, Animation, and Motion Graphics
Animation and 3D Modeling Certificate of Achievement
Animation Essential Skills Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)

Related Classes
DAID 100 History of Graphic Design
DAID 111 Video Production for Streaming and VR
DAID 112 Motion Graphics
DAID 114 Storyboarding and Concept Development
DAID 115 2D Animation
DAID 122 3D Modeling
DAID 123 Textures for 3D
DAID 125 3D Animation
DAID 159 Introduction to Social Media
DAID 160 Portfolio Development for Artists and Designers

Below are examples of recent projects created in our DAID-115 2D Animation class.